Sessions en Creating Workflow with Revisioning and Email Notification <p>Workflow and Drupal can be a challenging combination. But with the right modules and configuration, you can create a seemless approval process that creates revisions and notifies the various parties at the appropriate stages of the approval process.</p> <p>This class is for those of you who would like to learn how to build workflow into your site and avoid many of the headaches that can be part of that process.</p> Sun, 03 Jul 2011 13:32:06 +0000 nflowers1228 21 at You have a new drupal site and are the drupal admin, what now? <p>You can see the video of the session, a list of modules and a video on installing modules here<br /> <a href="" title=""></a><br /> There is a feedback form here <a href="" title=""></a> I really appreciate feedback to help get better at offering these type of sessions.<br /> One question was for a user dashboard to see their content. The module I was thinking of is <a href="" title=""></a> but I have not used it before.<br /> There is a podcast here on it <a href="" title=""></a><br /> Also this one looks nice but not sure if it does the trick easily.<br /> <a href="" title=""></a><br /> I also offered this some time ago to give users a "My Content" tab on the user page. <a href="" title=""></a><br /> But it is a bit more work.<br /> ---------------<br /> A look at 3 main areas of drupal not from a geek angle but from the perspective of someone who just needs a website and it happens to be drupal.</p> <p>The Admin section will include topics like, "Keeping an eye on status reports and errors", "Backups, why you should still do them and how", "Module Updates why and why not and where to look". And one module that can really give you a ton of control over drupal without all the php geekiness "Rules"</p> <p>The Content section will cover some of the basics as to what is a "Content Type", "How to Modify them if needed with CCK and some settings", "How to manage Comments", "Input Filters" and again "Rules" module and some tricks there for a good workflow.</p> <p>Lastly Users and how to manage them. Some settings to keep an eye on and of course "Rules" module and some tricks with it to help you out.</p> <p>This will be a lot of hands on looking at a demo install I will have on my laptop, very little for slides. I will record it as well for later use.</p> <p>Last year I did <a href="" title=""></a> this session on Views.</p> <p><em><br /> I need help trimming down the list of topics.<br /> If you have a moment check off the topics that matter to you OR add some new ones.<br /> <a href="" title=""></a><br /> </em><br /> Thanks</p> Mon, 11 Jul 2011 19:00:12 +0000 alfred.nutile 43 at The ING Drupal Journey <p>ING Financial Services (<a href="" title=""></a>) has been using Drupal for the past year and has launched a number of other micro sites to support its marketing efforts.</p> <p>This presentation will cover:<br /> - Why ING is using Drupal?<br /> - General overview of ING Drupal Sites<br /> * <a href="" title=""></a>,<br /> * <a href="" title=""></a>,<br /> * <a href="" title=""></a><br /> - Infrastructure Overview<br /> - Brief Overview of Deploy process.<br /> - Future Considerations.</p> <p>Overall we will show how our sites work, what the infrastructure looks like, how we deploy content, and anything else you might have questions on.</p> Fri, 15 Jul 2011 16:56:46 +0000 mwetmore 48 at Deploy Module <p>The migration of content between Drupal installation has always been a pain point. The Deploy Module solves this problem by allowing you to migrate content to other Drupal installations.</p> <p>Content Staging and Deployment will be one of the priorities of Drupal 8 so understanding the concept of a staging server pushing content to a live server will be important.</p> <p>This presentation will cover:<br /> - Introduction to Deploy<br /> - Why would you use Deploy?<br /> - What is needed for Deploy?<br /> - What can you deploy by default?<br /> - Setting up Deploy<br /> - Demo<br /> - Questions.</p> <p>*** Deploy currently only works with D6, although a D7 version is in the works. ***</p> Fri, 15 Jul 2011 17:08:24 +0000 mwetmore 49 at Views – Beyond the Basics <p>Based on Drupal 6, this session will look at capabilties built into core Views, added functionality provided by some popular plug-ins, and theming. The focus will be on theming support offered by Views.</p> <p>Plug-ins:<br /> Semantic Views<br /> Customfield<br /> PHP Filter<br /> RSS<br /> Attachments<br /> Reference View (Node reference)</p> <p>Theming:<br /> Adding CSS<br /> Views templates<br /> Exposed Filters<br /> Dates</p> <p>Some experience with Views is highly advisable.</p> Wed, 20 Jul 2011 17:31:05 +0000 skowyra 71 at Ontologies with Drupal; Adding Smarts to Websites <p>We can make dumb computers smarter by using an ontology. An ontology describes the problem space and the modules that can be used in finding a solution. A new user module is discussed that assists in the development of ontologies.</p> Wed, 27 Jul 2011 15:17:41 +0000 John Bottoms 80 at Building a Great Local Dev Environment <p>You will learn how to download and configure the best open source offerings and configure them to create a full featured Drupal development environment. After following the instructions in this session you will have a powerful platform for creating, modifying and debugging Drupal modules and themes, with integrated version control, CSS, HTML, PHP and MySQL utilities that are among the best available. To get the most of this session you will need to have a simple local dev environment on your laptop and the desire to take the next step.</p> Thu, 28 Jul 2011 12:52:48 +0000 feedmaster 82 at Code for Contrib: When There's Not a Module for That: Module Development for Site Builders and Themers <p>Drupal is a powerful and modular system— indeed, much of Drupal's power is in its modules, dynamos of pluggable functionality that can build on Drupal's base system and other modules. This session shows how to add features of your own creation in Drupal 7.</p> <p>You won't understand everything about module development this hour, or this week, this month, this year, or this decade. The approach in this session is learning how to learn. Not simply, this is how you make a widget (no, really, Drupal has those), but what investigation or resource or secret guild of wizards was needed to gain that knowledge?</p> <p>You can write a module yourself. All you need to do is create two files with some text. Once we've dispensed with the myth of module making as the difficult domain of die-hard Drupalistas, we will then go well beyond an easy example, and try to make you a die-hard Drupalista!</p> <p><em><strong>Attention themers</strong> and module devs who want to be cool:</em> We will have a special focus on how themes and modules in Drupal 7 are the bastard children of themes and modules in previous Drupal versions:</p> <ul> <li>There's a lot of module goodness in themes, now. You can now use alter hooks of all kinds from theme modules, including the fabulous hook_form_alter().</li> <li>It's easier to do theme things from modules, such as provide preprocess functions.</li> </ul> <p>This is great news for themers (and module developers) who are not prudish about such mixing, and we'll cover these hooks newly available to theme developers.</p> <p>You can, of course, use alter and other hooks newly available in themes as Drupalistas always have, in modules, and there's no reason not to. In fact, there are many reasons to enhance your theming by writing modules. This gives you portions of code that are easier to re-use between sites, and potentially more tools than you have access to in a theme.</p> <p>In the context of a couple real examples, we will also cover these APIs:</p> <ul> <li>form_alter – if you learn one hook, let this be it. It's just so much fun. And now it has a megalomaniac younger sibling, page_alter</li> <li>menu – this is the power of defining our own pages, among other things</li> <li>database – the new Drupal 7 database abstraction layer, aka DBTNG</li> <li>node – nodeAPI is de-opped in 7 (it is many focused functions instead of one big switchy/twitchy one)</li> <li>field – yeah this is the big D7 deal</li> <li>entity – the big deal API making fields possible, including the Entity API module</li> <li>permissions – using and defining</li> <li>AJAX – enhancing usability with immediate on-page response</li> </ul> <p>The methods and tips in this session will be based on the real work of figuring out how to do specific things with Drupal. Our goal is that you learn more than this session teaches you: How to keep learning about module development from Drupal core, from the <a href="">Examples project</a>, from contributed modules, and from all the other Drupalistas out there.</p> <p>Intended Audience<br /> Developers looking to improve their module development processes, to get up to speed on (more of) Drupal 7, or to heckle.</p> <p>Themers ready to realize that they already know how to make modules whenever they need to.</p> <p>People with a module they've written and want to make better before contributing.</p> <p>Anyone serious about learning Drupal 7 module development.</p> <p>Configurators who have realised they need to write some custom code or fill in some missing pieces to take their project to the next level.</p> <p>Questions the session will answer</p> <ol> <li>How do I write a module that plays well with Drupal core and other modules? (hint: uses lots of hooks)</li> <li>How do I make a module is extensible by other modules? (hint: defines its own hooks!)</li> <li>How do I make my module easy for users and administrators to use and developers to understand? (hint: contextual links, help, coding standards)</li> <li>How do I know when my module is good enough to ship? Where do I get help making it good enough – and secure enough – to contribute to</li> <li>How do I learn things that aren't covered in this session? How do I find answers in other people's code?</li> </ol> <p>(NOTE: Attached slides are old, will be updated for this session. See also <a href="">Using the Power of Modules for Theming</a>.)</p> Thu, 28 Jul 2011 15:40:59 +0000 mlncn 84 at Server Configuration Management with Vagrant & Puppet <p>This session will be an introduction to Puppet and the world of configuration management. Puppet is an open source tool that allows developers and system administrators to test and management their servers. I will cover managing a number of different pieces of infrastructure. We will write a Puppet manifest and test our new virtual machine.</p> <p>See <a href="" title=""></a> and <a href="" title=""></a> for more information.</p> Sat, 30 Jul 2011 12:38:49 +0000 skottler 87 at HTML 5 and CSS3 <p>Learn what's new with HTML5 and CSS3. This is an introductory talk that will help you become acquainted with HTML5 and add some cool elements to your website, including Mobile, audio and video. CSS3 creates some awesome effects that you could only normally do with a Javascript plugin or creating slightly different versions of the exact same image. </p> <p>This talk will cover the basics and let you know what to look for to incorporate the techniques in your Drupal site.</p> Mon, 01 Aug 2011 21:01:14 +0000 nflowers1228 91 at Outside the Garden: Intro to RaphaëlJS RaphaëlJS is a cross-browser JavaScript library for drawing and animating with SVG and VML. If you've ever wanted to include simple animations or image effects on the web without Flash, you should learn about Raphaël! In this session, we'll cover the basics of Raphaël -- understanding the "paper," how to draw and position shape primatives, working with text and custom fonts, manipulating objects with rotation, scaling and translation and adding interactivity. The presentation is available here: <a href="" title=""></a> Mon, 08 Aug 2011 13:11:21 +0000 Steven Merrill 93 at Coat Your Website with Varnish <p>Varnish is a reverse proxy cache that can significantly speed up your Drupal website. In this talk, we'll dive deep into the theory of how to use Varnish and also go through a hands-on demonstration of how to write VCL (Varnish Configuration Language) and see Varnish in action.</p> <p>A presentation given on the subject from the NYC Drupal meetup is available at <a href="" title=""></a>. This session will include hands-on demonstration with example VCL to show Varnish in action.</p> <p>Varnish is just one component of high-performance hosting stack.</p> Mon, 08 Aug 2011 13:13:29 +0000 Steven Merrill 94 at Panels and Contexts and Blocks -- Oh My! <p>So you're creating a content-rich, data-driven site and want a super user experience to boot. You know you need views (who doesn't?) but how are you going to present that information to your website's visitors? Combined with a good template and some choice modules, this is where the power of panels, contexts and blocks come into play.</p> <p>In this presentation, I'll describe what these site builders do and how to choose when to use each to meet different website presentation requirements. I'll also talk about how these strategies play with views arguments to create really dynamic websites. I'll be using the websites and to demonstrate how all of these interrelate to create a rich user experience using all three: contexts, panels and blocks.</p> <p>The writing site with the snowflake example is at Be gentle, it's not meant to be a public site.</p> <p>Sorry for uploading the presentation as .odp, but the .pdf was too large to upload.</p> Mon, 08 Aug 2011 16:26:43 +0000 acmfox 95 at Drupal PHP for Designers, or "Using PHP without Panicking" <p>This is a basic introductory course to understanding how Drupal template files work in Drupal themes and some of the basics of PHP you'll need to make theme modifications, especially for extending an existing theme to design the page layouts for custom content types. I'll try and cover both Drupal 6 and Drupal 7, but the emphasis will be on Drupal 7. </p> <p>This session is appropriate for anyone who is already familiar with HTML and CSS but is a little confused or nervous about modifying Drupal's Template files. We will have brief descriptions of PHP and CSS terms like <em>variable, class, id,</em> and <em>if-then-else loops</em> but won't spend very much time explaining these. You won't need to know SQL directly, but we'll cover a couple of tools for understanding how to find the variables and manage their display.</p> <p>Let me emphasize that this will be basic, basic, basic and really is an introduction for designers or possibly developers who want an overview about how all the pieces fit together.</p> <p>Slides are located at <a href="" title=""></a>.</p> Mon, 08 Aug 2011 16:53:01 +0000 Marissa Martinez 96 at View Arguments, Relationships, and Node References <p>We all love how Views has made querying your site's content trivial, but its true power comes from levering arguments and relationships to build dynamic content.</p> <p>In this session, we will cover the theory behind View arguments and relationships, teach you how to configure your Views to use them, and demonstrate how they are utilized with a real-world example.</p> <p><a href="" title=""></a></p> Tue, 09 Aug 2011 13:10:38 +0000 nflowers1228 97 at Theming and content basics This presentation will cover theme basics including: <ul> <li>Anatomy of a Drupal Theme</li> <li>How are my Pages Being Built? (template structure)</li> <li>PHP Required?</li> <li>Create a basic Theme</li> <li>Q&amp;A</li> Thanks for all the great questions. I've provided a link to a zip file containing the original HTML, the Final theme we created and my slides. <a href="">Zip of Example Files</a></ul> Tue, 09 Aug 2011 16:29:13 +0000 nflowers1228 100 at Why Isn't The Module You Need Ready? <p>Sustained Joy: Contributing to the Community as Part of your Work</p> <p><strong>SESSION TAKE-AWAYS:</strong></p> <ol start="0"> <li>If you use the code without engaging in the community you are missing many of the benefits of Drupal.</li> <li>Community participation powers the success of the Drupal content management framework.</li> <li>You and your business can power community participation.</li> <li>Participating in the Drupal community directly benefits and can be sustainable for your business.</li> <li>Three immediate ways to contribute to the Drupal community locally (welcome someone!), regionally (camp time!), and globally (documentation and code!).</li> <li>Collaboration among freelancers and companies is possible and necessary for Drupal's future.</li> </ol> <p><strong>WHY THIS SESSION?</strong></p> <p>Drupal and its galaxy of modules, themes, and other projects are too big to understand by oneself. The most knowledgeable people are key contributors, and are too busy to help people who don't also contribute. And too much is riding, for all of us, on Drupal's continued improvement to leave this improvement to chance.</p> <p>It's time to get involved— and to reap the benefits of participation.</p> <p>The Drupal community provides everything there is in Drupal, and is the number one reason to choose Drupal. It is not the functionality, the extensibility, the power, the flexibility, or even anything related to the code. It is the community of developers, documenters, administrators and more who overcome obstacles and fix problems every day— frequently working together and helping each other across company and country lines.</p> <p>The top ten Drupal shops could switch to stone tablet technology tomorrow and there would still be an amazing array of contributors to carry development forward. Not many open source free software projects can say that, and of course no proprietary products can make such a claim. This is what both protects and makes so promising your future in Drupal.</p> <p>It is difficult but possible to work with Drupal sustainably as a professional and as a participant in the Drupal community. But in the long run, it's easier and more profitable than not engaging in the community.</p> <p>This session will cover ways to contribute effectively, sustainably, and with joy.</p> <p>We will also open up discussion on ways to build our coordination infrastructure.</p> <p><cite>Presenter qualifications: Aside from running businesses in the Drupal community, Claudina Sarahe and Benjamin Melançon can't help but <a href="">write about</a> and <a href="">reflect upon</a> and <a href="">take notes on</a> and <a href="">wax political about</a> how to keep the community trending awesome.</cite></p> <p>[Note: The <a href="">attached slides (odp)</a> are from an old version of a related session given at DrupalCamp Chicago 2009; new slides will be uploaded shortly before or after the session.]</p> Wed, 10 Aug 2011 16:19:24 +0000 mlncn 102 at BOF <p>Room 103 is set aside for BOFs. Please indicate if you would like to form a BOF for this time slot and the topic.</p> Fri, 12 Aug 2011 01:31:55 +0000 nflowers1228 107 at BOF <p>Open for topic -- Room 103 is set aside for BOFs. Please indicate if you would like to form a BOF for this time slot and the topic.</p> Fri, 12 Aug 2011 01:33:14 +0000 nflowers1228 108 at BOF <p>Open for topic -- Room 102 is set aside for BOFs. Please indicate if you would like to form a BOF for this time slot and the topic.</p> Fri, 12 Aug 2011 01:39:11 +0000 nflowers1228 110 at BOF <p>Open for topic -- Room 102 is set aside for BOFs. Please indicate if you would like to form a BOF for this time slot and the topic.</p> Fri, 12 Aug 2011 01:40:17 +0000 nflowers1228 111 at